
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Once upon a time...

Alright. For the first post of this blog, I quickly agreed with myself that the best topic would be to explain why I decided to make a game on my own. So is my analysis on what may have happened in my head to trigger this strange idea.

I Love Video Games

I guess the main reason is that I love games. Not only as a player, even if I'm playing video games since elementary school (yeah, that's a long time ago...). But also as a developer. I've discovered that pleasure as I got lucky enough to jump into a dev team 13 years ago, and even if the magic I felt playing games as a student mostly disappeared, one other smashed me in the face : the creative process.

Creating Stuffs is Good For Your Brain

Making a game is basically creating something with your brain and a couple of computer based tools. And that's it. Imagination is your limit (well, ok, skills may also be an interesting factor) and taking your ideas from your head and making something real with that is a fascinating process. Most important, when you accomplish such things, you feel happy, proud of yourself. there is some chemical reaction somewhere between your ears that is triggered to notify you that you have just done something pretty cool, just like an achievement popup.

If you are a bit creative, and as your creativity is not always challenged during depending of your job, you may feel that something is missing somewhere in you life. A small thing, but you know it may grow with time. If that's your case, don't think, just create something : a painting, an application, a crazy invention, a card game, a book, anything, and you will immediately feel good.

Don't Regret Anything When you Get Old

The clock is running. Fast. When you are a student, you have so many projects for the rest of your life! Then you get your first job and enter a new life : you are asked to do your best to progress and get reward (bonus, promotion etc...). Then you may get married, and a brand new set of joys appears in front of you, and so many new projects rise in your mind.
But one day you realize that your initial projects, you initial objectives are not there. You may have an incredibly happy life, wonderful wife and children, something is missing. And you know that if you wait more,  you may be unable to accomplish it. You may not be able to do them all, of course, so chose one, and go for it.

So I think that the combination of the elements above (among many smaller others) made me take the plunge  almost one year ago, as probably many other guys around the world. And right now, even if it is not easy everyday, I'm quite happy about that decision.

(note : more posts to come, like explaining why, after 1 year the game is still far for being completed :)

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